programming languages JavaScript / NodeJS
PHP, SQL, Regex
Dart, Rust, C, (Python, Java)
frameworks React, Redux, Vue, Express, Jamstack
devtools Git SCM, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions
package managers npm/yarn, Composer
testing PHPUnit, Jest
container- & virtual-ization Docker, KVM/QEMU/libvirt
infrastructure nginx, Varnish, Apache2, LB
MariaDB / Galera cluster, PostgreSQL
Redis, Elasticsearch
PWA, Browser-APIs, REST-APIs, OAuth2, JWT
sysadmin, OS GNU Linux, Debian/Ubuntu, Bash/zsh, networking, DNS/Bind9, inc. backups, monitoring
security x509 / ACME, GPG, packet firewalls, SSH, LUKS
E-Mail Exim4 / Postfix / Dovecot; DMARC, DKIM, SPF; PGP
Github Most of my side projects & libs are open-sourced on GitHub
Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange Stack Exchange flair

This project first started when I was still in highschool. The main goal was to create a platform with recorded daily highscores of an MMO and provide statistics on this data. "Vi0" is the name of the clan I was a member of.

Several years of historic data are still available on the site.

The site was first written in PHP and has now evolved into an React SPA/PWA.

TERA DPS stats Hub for collecting and analyzing dungeon encounter data in TERA.
ERPG D15 tool

Reverse-engineered minigame with bruteforce solving added via Rust WASM

EUDGC Reader Web-based Covid/Vacc cert scanner